The Lab

From L to R - Top Row: Jordan, Dillon, Colin, Abhilesh, Nicholas; Bottom Row: Kevin, Maham, Tran, Neal, Rudy
Principal Investigator
My research program investigates how genome evolution and genetic conflict generate incompatibilities between species. I use classical, molecular and population genetics methods with functional and comparative genomics to study divergence between species and disrupted gene interactions in species hybrids of the genetic model organism Drosophila.
My previous research used microarrays to characterize the evolution of genome-wide transcript profiles and screen thousands of gene expression phenotypes for those that are rapidly evolving. We demonstrated that although the expression levels of most genes are predominantly subject to long-term stabilizing selection, there is ample variation in gene expression within species, and the expression levels of some genes, particularly those expressed in male reproductive tissues, diverge quite rapidly between species. I have also studied the molecular evolution and population genetics of three testes-expressed genes in order to understand the selective forces that shape their evolution. This work demonstrated a history of rapid evolution following gene duplication and associated with expression in the testes, and that positive selection acting in extant populations currently shapes patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at these loci.
Graduate Students
I investigate the evolution of genetic networks, especially those involving mitochondrial-nuclear interactions, using experimental and computational approaches. My current projects involve testing various models of mitochondrial-nuclear coevolution by estimating the temporal order of amino acid substitutions in the nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded proteins comprising the molecular machinery for oxidative phosphorylation. I also investigate the genetic basis of heat-induced male sterility through experiments using mitochondrial-nuclear hybrids of Drosophila.
When not pondering about the mysteries of the mitochondria, I race cyclocross for the Goldenrod Pastries Cyclocross Team and enjoy playing soccer and raquetball.
I am interested in understanding the genetic basis of speciation, specifically the genetic incompatibilities that cause sterility in the heterogametic sex in matings between different species (Haldane's Rule). My current project aims at identifying and characterizing hybrid male sterility factors between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana
Outside of research, I love playing Water Polo with the UNL Club Water Polo team
Lab Technicians
Undergraduate Students
UCARE, McNair Scholar
Kathleen Gordon (research technician, currently graduate student at Cornell)
Naznaz Majid (undergraduate researcher, UCARE, currently UNMC pharmacy school)
Patrick Opperman (undergraduate researcher, UCARE, currently UNMC medical school)
Logan Radtke (undergraduate researcher, UCARE, currently U South Dakota medical school)
Matthew Baier (undergraduate researcher, UCARE, currently UNMC medical school)